
Tag: Amazon Echo

Software Category, System Software

Alexa, teach me how to teach you

October 5, 2020

Via: The Next Web

Alexa, amazon’s voice-based virtual assistance like Siri for the iPhone, and Cortana for Microsoft Windows, is a cloud-based service. When first introduced, it was in the form of ‘Amazon Echo.’ Fast forward and this voice assistant is now part of […]

Software Category, System Software

How to update an Amazon Echo

September 7, 2018

Via: PC Advisor

Amazon’s Echo speakers are remarkably popular, mostly because they’re affordable and easy to use. Usefully, all Echos update themselves automatically whenever new software is available, so you shouldn’t have to worry about it. You can check which version your Echo […]

Mobile Apps

This is what Facebook’s rumored Aloha AI assistant looks like

August 21, 2018

Via: The Next Web

Facebook is reportedly working on an Amazon Echo and Google Home killer, codenamed Aloha, which would pair a video chat service with an AI assistant. Now, thanks to some clever reverse engineering, we’ve got a sense for what this will […]