
Category: Editorial



Exploring Anti-Phishing Software

July 3, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

Artificial intelligence has been a source of innovation and creativity over the last few years. Amplifying various industries, tools, products, and services, its ubiquity is inescapable. But the same is true of the negative aspects of this tool. AI has […]


A Case Study of ChatGPT Bias

June 28, 2024

Via: Mary Gamet

ChatGPT is now a well-known language model developed by OpenAI — and is aiding us in a variety of tasks. However, recent research has shown that it is not immune to human flaws. After all, AI programs are trained by […]


Deepfakes and the Battle Against AI-Generated Misinformation

May 28, 2024

Via: Caitlin Simmons

Deepfakes refer to the combination of two terms, “deep learning” and “fake”, and it involves the creation of content depicting a certain person in a video or audio when in reality, it was falsely manufactured by another party. Deepfakes belong […]


The Development of Accessible Software for Visually Impaired Users

May 15, 2024

Via: Caitlin Simmons

Software development requires more than compliance with laws and regulations—it demands providing an optimized user experience for everyone. Such an emphasis on inclusivity matters most because many blind people depend a lot on technology when doing things that others with […]


E-Voting Software: How this software empowers online voting safely and securely

April 30, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

2024 will be a record year for elections around the world. With 64 countries heading to the polls,  nearly half the globe’s population to cast a vote. But the post-pandemic world hasn’t fully caught up with the technology available to […]


Boosting Customer Satisfaction with Smart Software Solutions

April 22, 2024

Via: Caitlin Simmons

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing online, whether you’re shopping or just interacting with friends; it’s related to customer experience. How you perceive a platform you’re using influences whether you’ll keep using it, and while you’re on there, there’s a […]


Virtual Tools and How They Empower Remote Teams Worldwide

March 29, 2024

Via: Caitlin Simmons

More than a quarter of employees worldwide work from home nowadays. In fact, a recent study found that over 28% of the global workforce is working remotely in 2023, whereas in 2020 the percentage stood at only 20%. That’s millions […]


Open-Source Software and Protestware Dynamics

March 14, 2024

Via: Mary Gamet

“Free and open-source software” (FOSS) comes at a lower cost and with short production cycles. Unsurprisingly, it has become widely used in the tech industry. According to the Linux Foundation, 99% of firms relied on free code in 2021, and […]


AI Highlights the Ethical Issues in Software Development

February 29, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

“Hey, Siri…” We’ve come a long way since artificial intelligence made its debut in the mainstream. Over the last few years, we’ve seen software developers race to create the next best AI tool. And while AI has already proven to […]


Under Siege? Here’s 5 Cyber Threats and How to Keep Them at Bay

February 27, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

Everybody knows by now that there are threats looming in cyberspace. A dodgy email isn’t uncommon anymore, and you may even think that you’ve got the knowledge down on how to stay safe online. However, the threat landscape is growing […]


Affected by the Ivanti Secure Connect Threat? Here’s What Went Down and What to Do

January 31, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an emergency directive for all federal agencies using Ivanti Secure Client Access. Details emerged of two zero-day software vulnerabilities being exploited by threat actors, prompting CISA’s investigation into the impact this has […]


Tesla’s Autopilot Software Comes Under Scrutiny, Prompting a Nationwide Recall

January 29, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

2024 is the year of the Level 3 Autonomous Vehicle (AV). A huge leap toward self-driving cars, a concept that once solely existed in the realm of science fiction. But before we close the door on 2023, we could be […]


The Importance of Trusted Data in Digital Transformation Initiatives

January 11, 2024

Via: SoftwareCurated

In the fast-evolving landscape of digital transformation, organizations are constantly seeking ways to navigate the challenges and propel their initiatives toward success. As businesses embrace the digital era, trust in data practices emerges as a pivotal factor, shaping the trajectory […]


ServiceNow launches Now Assist for ITSM, CSM, HRSD, and Creator to Embed Generative AI Across all Workflows on the Now Platform

January 8, 2024

Via: SoftwareCurated

In an era dominated by digital transformation, streamlining operations and enhancing user experience is paramount for businesses. ServiceNow, a leading name in digital workflow solutions, has unveiled its latest Now Platform expansion with the Now Assist suite of tools, integrated […]


Project Management Software for Remote Teams

December 18, 2023

Via: Camila Mendes

One of the positive remnants of the global pandemic is remote working policies. Employees experience increased work-life balance, employers gain more productive hours from their staff, and even the planet benefits from the reduced emissions from daily commuters. Managing remote […]


5 Interesting Products and Services Google Discontinued, Leaving Users Disappointed

December 18, 2023

Via: Natalie Dunn

Known for its innovative products and services, Google has equally gained notoriety for its decisions to discontinue abruptly several promising projects, creating a history of abandoned efforts and disillusioned users. While the company’s commitment to experimentation and innovation has yielded […]


The five times AI news broke the internet in 2023

November 30, 2023

Via: Camila Mendes

While 2022 was the year ChatGPT dominated the headlines, 2023 has undoubtedly been the year of AI advancements, announcements, policy, and corporate shakeups. Reflecting on the year that was, we’re wrapping up the top five moments AI news had us […]


Essential Features to Seek in HMI SCADA Solutions for Modern Industries

November 30, 2023

Via: SoftwareCurated

In an era where industrial advancement is predominantly driven by technology and innovation, Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems stand out as instrumental in automating and optimizing operations. These systems serve as the nexus […]


Sustainable Software Development: Clean Code, Green Future

November 29, 2023

Via: Camila Mendes

World leaders will once again convene for the 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28), taking place in Dubai from November 30th to December 12th, 2023. This year, leaders will focus on evaluating progress against the Paris Agreement in what’s […]


The Role of UX in Software Development

October 31, 2023

Via: Caitlin Simmons

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, user experience (UX) has emerged as a crucial component that significantly influences the success or failure of an application. In a realm where the user is king, a delightful user experience has become […]