
Tag: algorithm

Development Software, Software Category

Deep Learning Pioneer Geoffrey Hinton Publishes New Deep Learning Algorithm

January 10, 2023

Via: InfoQ

Geoffrey Hinton, professor at the University of Toronto and engineering fellow at Google Brain, recently published a paper on the Forward-Forward algorithm (FF), a technique for training neural networks that uses two forward passes of data through the network, instead […]

Development Software, Software Category

Bun JavaScript runtime is in the oven

October 3, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

Move over, Node.js and Deno. A potential competitor is emerging in the JavaScript/TypeScript runtime space, called Bun. Now in a beta stage of development, Bun is billed as a modern JavaScript runtime akin to Deno or Node, built to start […]


Using AI Software to Recreate Lost Art

October 29, 2021

Via: Natalie Dunn

From manufacturing robots and self-driving cars to smart assistants and disease mapping, Artificial Intelligence (AI) software has many use cases. Recently, things have taken a more artistic turn, and AI-powered software began to be used to recreate lost art. Thanks […]

Software Category, System Software

CMU Develops Algorithm for Guaranteeing AI Model Generalization

June 1, 2021

Via: InfoQ

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University’s (CMU) Approximately Correct Machine Intelligence (ACMI) Lab have published a paper on Randomly Assign, Train and Track (RATT), an algorithm that uses noisy training data to provide an upper bound on the true error risk […]

Development Software, Software Category

Algorithm estimates COVID-19 infections in the US are three times higher than reported

February 9, 2021

Via: The Next Web

An algorithm developed at the UT Southwestern medical center has estimated that there are almost three times as many COVID-19 infections in the US than the number of confirmed cases. The model makes daily predictions of both total and current […]

Application Software, Software Category

Software updates slowing you down?

February 11, 2020

Via: ScienceDaily

To overcome this obstacle, researchers at Texas A&M University, in collaboration with computer scientists at Intel Labs, have now developed a complete automated way of identifying the source of errors caused by software updates. Their algorithm, based on a specialized […]