
6 ways to cut the cost and pain of a Windows 10 migration

December 9, 2015

For most organizations that migrated to a new version of Windows in the past two years, the cost and frustration was not only high, the resources required were crippling. But ready or not, chances are a new migration project will soon be on your to-do list. In fact, almost a quarter of all PCs will be upgraded to Windows 10 within a year. That’s more than 350 million devices. It’s already on more than 100 million devices, and counting.

With employees upgrading their personal devices to Windows 10 at a record rate, the demand for Windows 10 on the business desktop will be extraordinary, forcing most companies to adopt Windows 10 at a faster rate than they have ever adopted a new version of Windows before. So how can you face an inevitable Windows 10 migration without the madness? By adopting a new approach to user profiles through the use of advanced User Environment Management (UEM) technology. This will streamline your adoption and solve your migration problem for good.

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