
Tag: Agile

Development Software, Software Category

How to Scale Agile Software Development with Technology and Lean

May 30, 2024

Via: InfoQ

Agile software development can be done at scale with the use of technology like self-service APIs, infrastructure provisioning, real-time collaboration software, and distributed versioning systems. Lean can complement and scale an agile culture with techniques like obeyas, systematic problem-solving, one-piece-flow […]

Development Software, Software Category

Making Agile Software Development Work for Multicultural Teams

May 23, 2024

Via: InfoQ

While equality provides team members with the same opportunities and allowances, equity is about creating an environment where individual and unique needs can be met. According to ElMohanned Mohamed, communication in multicultural teams should be precise and clear with low […]

Development Software, Software Category

Adopting Asynchronous Collaboration in Distributed Software Teams

November 29, 2023

Via: InfoQ

Do you work on a distributed team? If so, you know that meetings can be a major time-sink. While meetings can be valuable, if we reach for them as a default way of working, we inadvertently create a fragmented team […]

Development Software, Software Category

Agile Coaching as a Path toward a Deeper Meaning of Work and Life

November 16, 2023

Via: InfoQ

In this article, we take a deeper look at the practice and purpose of agile coaching. We find out why interactions are the most essential focus in agile coaching – and also the basis of learning and professional development for […]

Development Software, Software Category

Sustainable Product Development Using Agile and Value Stream Mapping

October 26, 2023

Via: InfoQ

Sustainable product development can be done by combining agile with concepts from the circular economy in our daily work. Value stream mapping can be extended to incorporate circular economy principles to optimize the flow of materials, information, and energy usage. […]

Development Software, Software Category

A Collaborative Approach to Web Applications Accessibility

September 28, 2023

Via: InfoQ

Developers and designers can work together to share knowledge and experience when working on creating accessible applications. Accessibility issues can be treated as any other bug, something that needs to be solved first. Accessibility should be embraced as something very […]

Development Software, Software Category

Actionable Green Choices for Your Software, Your Products, and You

July 27, 2023

Via: InfoQ

Sustainability. It’s a word that can mean many things, with different meanings to different people. But what does it mean for you? We are at a pivotal moment in human history where the decisions we make today determine humankind’s future […]

Development Software, Software Category

Sustainability for Software Companies: Reducing Impact by Deciding What Not to Do

January 5, 2023

Via: InfoQ

Small and medium-sized companies can contribute to sustainability with emissions reduction, mental health offerings and inclusion. To support sustainability, software engineers can think about “what not to do” to reduce complexity and make solutions smaller, resulting in a smaller carbon […]

Development Software, Software Category

Why DevOps Governance Is Crucial to Enable Developer Velocity

July 27, 2022

Via: InfoQ

It’s well established by now that product innovation is a key enabler of business success in any organization’s market vertical. The user expectation for a highly differentiated, functional, high-performance, and delightful experience is greater now than ever. COVID has only […]

Development Software, Software Category

5 Steps to Optimized Value Stream Management for Agile and Development Leaders

May 26, 2022

Via: CIO

In an organization’s pursuit of digital transformation and innovation, the onus largely falls on agile and development leaders, who must field requests from business leaders and manage expectations, all while speeding time to market. In performing this balancing act, leaders […]