Android Lollipop-based OxygenOS and CyanogenMod updates are coming to OnePlus One phones this month

Android Lollipop-based OxygenOS and CyanogenMod updates are coming to OnePlus One phones this month

March 18, 2015

OnePlus has confirmed in a forum post that its Android Lollipop-based updates are coming to its flagship One smartphone by the end of March.

The OnePlus One currently ships with CyanogenMod (CM). The latest build, CM 12S, will arrive on or before March 30 as an over-the-air (OTA) update.

OnePlus will release its own Lollipop-based ROM, dubbed OxygenOS, by March 27. The company said its updates were delayed by an unforeseen OS signing issue, as well as an unstable camera module.

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